10+ Free Business Letter Sample & Example (FAQ)

The best way to communicate with other businesses and professionals is a formal business letter Sample. Regardless of you writing about new hiring, or informing your boss about some developments, or connecting with your clients, business letters are the perfect way to convey the information.

Business Letter Sample With Example

Before moving on to look at some of the business letter samples, let us first understand some tips and methods to write an outstanding business letter.

  • Since you are writing a business letter, it is important that you use the proper format. Usually, a standard font of Arial or Times New Roman is used for writing business letters. Indentation or block paragraphs should be strictly avoided.
  • Mention details about your organisation such as the name of the organisation and its address on separate lines. These details should appear on the top left corner of the letter.
  • For a proper business outlook, you should mention the full date that makes you look quite professional. The date should be written below the sender's address on the left side of the letter.
  • Next, provide details about the recipient like the recipient's name, organisation name, and address of the company in different lines. This information about the recipient should be provided below the line where the particular date is mentioned.
  • Making use of an appropriate salutation is also pertinent because this way you show your respect towards the recipient. You can do salutation in the form of "Dear Sir/Madam" or "To whom it may concern" in case of being unsure about the particular individual you are writing this letter to.
  • When you start writing the body of the business letter, it is important that you make use of the appropriate tone and keep the letter short and professional. Talk straight about the matter in the first paragraph and try to keep the details as brief as possible.
  • Make use of pronouns like "I", "You", and "We". The one writing the business letter, i.e. the author refers to own-self with "I" whereas the recipient of this letter is referred to as "You". However, it is crucial to remember that in situations where you are referring to the company's outlook or thinking, you should mention "We".
  • Be transparent about the purpose behind writing this business letter and provide a brief explanation of the issue and actions to be taken that you are asking for in this letter.
  • While providing details about an incident, make sure that write the information in active voice and not in a passive voice. Since active voice represents your thought and purpose in a more direct manner, it is the perfect form of writing the business letter.
  • You can also question or maintain a friendly relationship with the author while not hampering the professional approach to the business letter.
  • In case of any objection or issue, it is wise to choose to be courteous instead of arrogant. This helps you maintain a business-like approach while conveying your problem or specific point.
  • In the final paragraph, be specific about the points you have mentioned and the expected actions against the issues raised. You should also thank the recipient for taking the time to go through this mail and provide your contact information for any future clarifications.
  • Choose a proper salutation at the end of the letter such as "Sincerely" at the end of the business letter.
  • Provide your signature at the end below the salutation. Also, include your name, phone number, and the email address for future correspondence from the recipient.

Business Letter Example for a Company

Zephaniah Sanders
3714 Nascetur St.
Hawthorne Louisiana 10626
(539) 567-3573

Date: 01-05-2011

Calista Merritt
Ap #938-5470 Posuere Ave
Chickasha LA 58520

Subject: (************************)

Dear Calista Merritt,

I am writing this letter to inform you about the Liberal Arts department workshop which is going to be held on April 19 th , 2019. With this workshop, the employees under the Liberal Arts department will have the opportunity to interact with important business leaders in our locality.
This workshop will be conducted at the Plaza Student Center at Delhi University. This event will start from 10 a.m. and will last for 3-4 hours. A table can be reserved for the interested employees before the workshop upon doing the registration.
Thank you for your time and hoping to hear from you sooner.

(Your Signature)
Zephaniah Sanders

Business Letter Example for Students

Seth Farley
6216 Aenean Avenue
Seattle Utah 81202
(888) 106-8550

Date: 01-05-2011

Judith Floyd
361-7936 Feugiat St.
Williston Nevada 58521

Subject: (************************)

Dear Judith Floyd,

I was going through an article posted by your Computer Applications department about a new bi-algorithm expert at one of their center in New York. I am interested in applying for an initial level bi-algorithm programmer at this center.
It is well-known that bi-algorithm programming can generate tremendous development in the inner as well as the outer circle of the organization. It is also efficient in generating customer-centric activities and enhancements. I have recently graduated from ESHED Technical School in California with a major in Computer Sciences. I have also been engaged in technical content writing as mentioned in the enclosed resume with this mail. I have also taken up several courses and worked part-time as a Computer trainer at my University. You can also refer to the resume that I have enclosed herein for further details about the courses undertaken.
I will be really glad to meet you according to your ease and exhibit my education and experience details to you. You can contact me at 4589340178 or aura.alumni.in. I will also be available at my home address.

(Your Signature)
Seth Farley

Sample of Business Letter for complaint

Willow Hunt
Ap #784-1887 Lobortis Ave
Cudahy Ohio 31522
(492) 467-3131

Date: 01-05-2011

Daniel Bernard
P.O. Box 567 1561 Duis Rd.
Pomona TN 08609

Subject: (************************)

Dear Daniel Bernard,

I am writing this letter to express my concern regarding the problem created by your organization. I have brought up this issue with your management section. However, I would also like to put up a formal complaint about the supply of conference tables to our company on this Wednesday.
I have favored your business for more than three years, and our organizations share a valuable relationship. But on 13 th April 2019, I discovered some defects in the batch of conference tables delivered to us that day. The probable reason might be due to mismanagement by your staff members.
I have attached the receipt number of my payment for this. I trust that you will find a solution and help me get my payment refunded or the item replaced at the earliest. You can connect with me via my phone number or email as per your convenience.

Willow Hunt

Sample of Business Letter of Invitation Example

Chaney Bennett
P.O. Box 721 902 Dolor Rd.
Fremont AK 19408
(187) 582-9707

Date: 01-05-2011

Anne Beasley
987-4223 Urna St.
Savannah Illinois 85794

Subject: (************************)

Dear Daniel Bernard,

I am earnestly inviting to our event where we are launching our recent mobile series. This event is going to be held on 20 th April 2019 at 6 pm.
After the opening ceremony, we will be having dinner at the Taj Hotel. Our CEO will also provide you with insights about our centers and the innovative design included in our new range of mobiles.
I expect your presence at this event. Please inform us about your confirmation by …

Chaney Bennett

Business Letter Sample for Apology Example

Griffith Daniels
6818 Eget St.
Tacoma AL 92508
(425) 288-2332

Date: 01-05-2011

Madeline Gregory
977-4841 Ut Ave
Walla Walla Michigan 82776

Subject: (************************)

Dear Madeline Gregory,

I request you to accept my apology because of my absence in the Adobe presentation which was conducted on 15 th April 2019. I realise the value of this meeting for our organization, and it was extremely unprofessional of me not to attend this presentation without any prior notice.
I understand that my absence is embarrassing for our company. The meeting must have seemed amateurish in front of so many customers. Not only this made the meeting seem worthless but also there has been a setback in the finalization of the deal.
I am taking the whole responsibility of my inability to turn up at the meeting. Due to some family reasons, I had to travel to another city suddenly. However, this is my problem, and I am extremely regretful about this situation. I assure you that this won't be a problem in the upcoming days and I will take necessary measures to ensure this doesn't happen again.
I have sent an apology letter to our Chairman, CEO, and my manager and talked with ETC Ltd to reschedule the meeting today after tomorrow. I will be glad to fix anything else that is required of me. Please let me know.

(Your Signature)
Griffith Daniels

Sample Business Letter of Recommendation Example

Xyla Cash
969-1762 Tincidunt Rd.
Boise CT 35282
(121) 347-0086

Date: 01-05-2011

David Mathews
1011 Malesuada Road
Moscow Kentucky 77382

Subject: (************************)

Dear David Mathews,

I show great pleasure and confidence to recommend Ravi Sharma for the role of Technical Manager at Stratified Ltd. I have closely worked with Ravi for five years as her Deputy Manager at Curtis Ltd. Where she consistently exhibited outstanding technical knowledge, persistence, and an innovative mindset. These traits helped her exhibit excellent results as a Senior Assistant in our organization. This makes me quite confident that Ravi's thorough technical knowledge, professional know-how, and personal attributes will make her a huge asset at Stratified Ltd.
As a Senior Assistant, Ravi showed excellent focus, hard work, proper knowledge about technical aspects, and other relevant experiences crucial to her genre of work. Particularly, his efforts towards developing sustainable energy resources using Ethanol as a fuel has produced remarkable results. Additionally, he along with his team members built a small-scale turbojet engine that gave us unexplored fields of propulsion and IC engine.
Moreover, his leadership and teamwork capabilities are worth praising. His ability to deal with complicated activities, delegate tasks, and make the most out of each of his team members in generating significant results makes him stand out from the rest. During the Go-Kart project organized by our organization, he showcased his excellent technical and management abilities that produced amazing results.
Ravi indeed has a huge recommendation for the particular position offered by your company. Undoubtedly, he will be a substantial boost to your team. You can connect with me in case of any other query about her excellence and past activities according to your convenience.

(Your Signature)
Xyla Cash

Sample Business Letter of Request Example

Hedley Ingram
737-2580 At Street
Independence Texas 87535
(993) 554-0563

Date: 01-05-2011

Raymond Levy
Ap #643-7006 Risus St.
Beaumont New Mexico 73585

Subject: (************************)

Dear David Mathews,

I am writing this letter to ask for information regarding your company's range of customized office drawers. My company is engaged in supplying some intricately designed and personalized office drawers and in search of innovative designs we are looking for new suppliers. This has made me quite keen on exploring how your organizations customized office drawers may adhere to our needs.
It will be helpful if you provide me with some details about the products mentioned here and any other necessary particulars that you want to provide insights about. I am specifically looking for 50 sets of office drawers that are priced in between 15,000-20,000 INR and are made up of Italian style. You can explore more about GrabOn at www.grabon.com . To provide the information, you can drop us an email specifying all the necessary details.
Feel free to connect with me for any particular information required from me. You may discuss with me between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. IST at 9843562715 or through email at stacy@grabon.in . You are looking forward to hearing from you soon.

(Your Signature)
Hedley Ingram

Sample Business Letter of Introduction Example

Hedley Ingram
737-2580 At Street
Independence Texas 87535
(993) 554-0563

Date: 01-05-2011

Raymond Levy
Ap #643-7006 Risus St.
Beaumont New Mexico 73585

Subject: (************************)

Dear David Mathews,

I would like to make use of this opportunity to present our organization, Buddy services Ltd. We are engaged in event management activities for the past five years.
We are quite experienced in conducting various office meetings, private parties, seminar events, book events, and more. We have always received appreciation from customers as they take great satisfaction in our services. This positive feedback has boosted our confidence and made us proud of our services.
We are capable of providing high-quality services at very reasonable prices and are thus, willing to interested in offering our event management services to your organization. You will soon receive a call from our Marketing Executive to give you all the details and address all the queries regarding our services.

(Your Signature)
Hedley Ingram

Example of Business Inquiry Letter Sample

Malcolm Long
9291 Proin Road
Lake Charles Maine 11292
(176) 805-4108

Date: 01-05-2011

Harrison Mcguire
574-8633 Arcu Street
San Fernando ID 77373

Subject: (************************)

Dear David Mathews,

Recently, we have opened up our new branch in Lake View, and we are therefore interested in buying a set of office furniture tables, chairs, and dashboards in particular. We are willing to look at your company's catalog so that we can decide upon some products that adhere to our requirements.
To let you know about the specifications, we have mentioned that we are particularly looking for modern and rugged office furniture. Real-time production of furniture or even customized ones within a specific deadline will be appreciated. If we select some of your designs, we would like to put up an order and deal with you in person about the pricing. Our representative might visit your company for the selection of evaluation of products and the discussion of pricing details.

You can connect with me anytime at……

(Your Signature)
Malcolm Long

Business Letter FAQ

A) How to Format a Business Letter

Format of business letter:

  • Person's contact information like name, job title, company, address, and date
  • Recipient's contact information, name, title, address of company
  • Salutation
  • Basics of formatting like margin, font size and spacing
  • Proper tone of the letter
  • Closing of business letter with compliments

B) How to Fold a Business Letter

Folding of a business letter:

  • Writing on the envelope
  • Placing letter face up on table
  • Folding bottom part of letter up
  • Checking the edges to be lined up
  • Folding the top part downwards
  • Creasing the top fold of letter
  • Inserting letter inside envelope

C) H ow to Send a Business Email

Sending a business email:

  • Subject line should contain specific and concise matter
  • If possible, recipient's name should be addressed
  • Body of the email should contain the main message
  • Formal closing of the email should be followed with signature
  • The email should not be closed informally

D) how to create a business email

Creating a business email comprises:

  • Creating business email vital for growth of business
  • Writing mail to the point without deviation
  • Email should be started with a greeting
  • Informing the recipient about himself/herself
  • Explaining the purpose of the email
  • It should contain the email signature

E) How to Write a Business Proposal Letter

Steps for writing a business proposal letter are:

  • Information must be found out thoroughly
  • Project scope and objectives must be defined
  • Making estimate of labour and costs cautiously
  • Drafting business proposal clearly
  • Business proposal must be edited carefully
  • Forwarding business proposal and following it

F) How to Use c/o in a Business Letter

Word c/o means "Care Of":

  • Writing name of person or company first
  • c/o can be written followed by a colon
  • Writing name and mailing address of person or company for transferring letter
  • Sticking appropriate postage on upper right hand side of envelope
  • Writing return address

G) How to Write a Business Letter

Essential points for writing business letter include:

  • Writing letter in polished and professional manner
  • Following easy to learn format
  • Indicating date, information about sender and recipient
  • Few paragraphs in the body of the letter
  • It should be framed to fit the standards of the company

H) How to Start a Business Letter

Ways of starting business letter:

  • Two methods used for starting business letter
  • First, making reference to earlier contact
  • Mentioning phone conversation, meeting, correspondence through mail
  • Second, mentioning about contact for the first time
  • Writing, to whom it may concern, only when name is not known

I) How to End a Business Letter

The following are considered as the best closings for ending a business letter:

  • Best Regards
  • Regards
  • Faithfully
  • Respectfully
  • Appreciatively
  • Thanks again
  • Sincerely
  • Yours truly
  • These are the most useful letter closings that can be used in a formal type business setting

J) What are the parts of a business letter

There are six vital parts of a business letter:

  • Heading indicates return address with date
  • Address to whom the letter is to be sent should be written
  • Greeting also known as salutation
  • Body of the letter
  • Complimentary closing of letter
  • Line that has signature

K) What is the business letter

Business letter refers to a formal document sent from one company to another:

  • They are sent to clients of the company, stakeholders, and employees
  • They are also used for corresponding professionally between individuals
  • Printed out business letters are used for important types of correspondences, and employment verification

L) What is the Importance of Business Letter

Business letter is considered as important tool of communication in business setting:

  • Used for product selling
  • For making enquiry about prices of goods or customers
  • For seeking information and advice
  • To maintain good public relations
  • To increase goodwill and perform various other functions of business